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Prince Edward Island

Caleb and Ryker Pollard, IWK patients

Caleb and Ryker Pollard

When Hilary and Robbie Pollard’s son, Caleb, wasn’t gaining weight and had trouble feeding at three months old, he was referred by his family doctor to a local pediatrician in Prince Edward Island.

Ellis Ferrish, IWK patient

Ellis Ferrish

Ellis Ferrish was only 15 days old when she was referred by the team at her local hospital in Prince Edward Island to the IWK’s Orthopaedic Clinic.

Adalynn Gaudet, IWK patient

Adalynn Gaudet

When Adalynn (Addie) Gaudet was three years old, her parents, Justina and Sheldon, noticed she was having balance issues. She was unsteady on her feet and wouldn’t ride her bike, swing on a swing set, or run too fast.

Rory Pinkham, IWK patient

Rory Pinkham

Rory Pinkham is an incredible nine-year-old who lives in Summerside PEI. She has a wonderful family that surrounds her including her mom, dad and younger sister and brother. Rory has a smile that can light up any room, but her life has not been easy when it comes to her health. 

Whixley Hannah, IWK patient

Whixley Hannah

Sarah and Mike Hannah from Prince Edward Island were a couple heading into one of the biggest adventures of their lives, becoming parents for the first time! They were extremely excited and looking forward to what was to come!