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Gifts of Securities

When you make a gift of securities to the IWK Foundation, you’re joining our mission to provide the best care for the Maritimes’ women, children and youth. Your gift will impact patient care now and for generations to come.

A gift of securities is a simple way to make a meaningful gift to the IWK, and it can have tax benefits for you as the donor.

When you donate publicly traded securities, you eliminate any capital gains taxes you would have to pay if you were to sell the security and donate the proceeds. In addition, you receive a charitable tax receipt for the full amount of your donation.

Donating securities

The IWK Foundation welcomes gifts of securities, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Make your gift today or in your will. As always, the Philanthropy Team is here to help you. If you would like to explore options for use of funds for your donations, please email, attention Jyl MacKinnon Robinson or Leslie Tinkham.


  1. Complete the Gifts of Securities Intent Form. This notifies the IWK Foundation of your intent to give a gift of securities, allows us to accept the donation, and issue your tax receipt.

  2.  Initiate the securities transfer. If applicable, contact your investment advisor or investing brokerage firm who will support you in providing transfer directions for the securities you wish to donate.

  3.  Receive your tax receipt. When securities have been received, the IWK Foundation will call to thank you and confirm the value of your tax receipt.

Electronic transfer of securities can be sent to Fidelity Clearing Canada ULC

  • 483 Bay St. #200, South TowerToronto, ON M5G 2N7
  • Email:
  • Account Name: IWK Health Centre Foundation
  • Account Number: F35-0001-A

Information for your investment advisor:

IMPORTANT! This information has recently changed. Please update your records with the new information below. 

Institution: Fidelity Clearing Canada ULC
Account Name: IWK Health Centre Foundation
GSP Account Number: F35-0001-A

To ensure a precise and timely transfer, please have your advisor email a copy of your signed instructions to:

IWK Donations Team

Mutual Funds

We cannot guarantee that Mutual Fund Donations will be processed in time to receive a 2025 income tax receipt if a letter of direction has not been sent to us by the week of November 30, 2025.

Please note our Mutual Fund dealer is now RBC Dominion Securities. If you wish to donate Mutual Funds, please contact Amy Carr, IWK Foundation Finance Manager, to request the direction of transfer letter. This letter will need to be completed with your broker or investment representative.


We are happy to answer any questions you might have. Please call us at (902) 470-8085 or 1-800-595-2266.