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IWK Radiothon raises $254,015.50 and kicks-off weekend of giving in support of the IWK


IWK Radiothon


Halifax, N.S. (May 31, 2024) – Listeners from across the Maritimes came together today to raise $254,015.50 for the IWK Radiothon in support of world-class care at the IWK. Hosted by 10 Bell media stations, the IWK Radiothon was the first event in a weekend of giving to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the IWK Telethon for Children and 40 years of community support of the IWK.

Year after year, the kindness and dedication of our community is on full display during the IWK Radiothon. We could not be more grateful for this generosity, which makes a difference for thousands of Maritime children, youth and families who rely on the IWK,” says Jennifer Gillivan, President & CEO, IWK Foundation. “The IWK Radiothon would not be possible without Bell Media, and we are appreciative for their partnership as we kick-off a weekend to celebrate 40 years of community giving to the IWK. We look forward to continuing our weekend of reflection, gratitude and celebration while raising vital funds to ensure the best possible care for our patients and families.”

This year’s IWK Radiothon raised funds to help purchase vital pieces of equipment including syringe infusion pumps for the IWK. These pumps deliver small amounts of life-saving medication, fluids, and nutrition to pediatric patients. IWK Radiothon donors also fund other urgent priorities at the IWK, such as research and facility upgrades.

"Every year our staff eagerly anticipates the IWK Radiothon.  We pour our heart and soul into celebrating the health and well-being of women and children in the Maritimes. We’re excited to bring together our 10 Maritime radio stations to kick off the Weekend of Giving,” says Trent McGrath, General Manager, CTV Atlantic. “For 40 years, people in our region, and beyond, have opened their hearts and wallets to support the region’s largest children’s hospital and we are honoured to be part of the tradition.”

Throughout the day, radio listeners heard inspiring stories from resilient IWK patients and their families, including Cooper Thornton of Fredericton, N.B. At the age of six, Cooper was diagnosed with craniopharyngioma, a rare noncancerous brain tumour, and underwent an 18-hour surgery at the IWK to have the tumour removed. Unfortunately, Cooper’s tumour has grown back several times since then, requiring more surgeries and treatments. He is currently receiving chemotherapy with positive results and continues to be monitored closely by the IWK.

The IWK Radiothon was broadcast live from the Mic Mac Mall in Dartmouth, N.S. Participating radio stations included Move 100.1 and 101.3 Virgin Radio in Halifax; Bounce 100.9 and Pure Country 99.5 in Truro; Bounce 105.3, MOVE 106.9, and Pure Country 103.5 in Fredericton; Bounce 104.9 in Bathurst; Bounce 93 in Grand Falls; and Pure Country 104 in Woodstock.

Donations can still be made to the IWK Radiothon by calling 1-800-595-2266 or visiting The IWK Foundation’s weekend of giving continues tomorrow, Saturday, June 1, with a live two-hour tribute show on CTV and on Sunday, June 2 with the 40th IWK Telethon for Children on CTV.

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About the IWK Foundation

The IWK Foundation is a champion of excellence in women's and children's health and medicine and works in partnership with IWK Health to support their vision of providing quality care to women, children, youth and families in the Maritime Provinces and beyond. Our donors are passionately committed to making a difference for Maritime families, contributing over $19.4 million in support of the most urgent care priorities at the IWK last year. Funds raised also support the IWK's global leadership in research and knowledge sharing, which in turn improves lives worldwide. Visit for more information. 

Media contact

Sarah Greening

Writer, Communications & Public Affairs

IWK Foundation
