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Mary Theresa

Thanks to the IWK, Mary Theresa didn’t lose her daughter. And she became a grandmother for the first time. Once again, donors like you were part of their journey. While Mary Theresa is now retired from the IWK Foundation, you can read more about her family’s story of resilience, courage and determination through The Jody Appeal

If you have visited the IWK Health Centre with a sick child or loved one, you truly understand the passion and conviction of IWK staff members who teach, encourage and challenge patients and their families to thrive no matter what the illness or disease. Prior to working at the IWK Foundation, I was a Foundation volunteer for 21 years. However, my personal journey with the IWK actually began 30 years ago, when I walked into that foreign concrete building for the first time, not as an employee or volunteer, but as the mother of a child with a serious illness. At that moment, I had no idea that the doctors, nurses, patients and events that happened within those four walls would shape me into the person that I have become today.

My true passion for the IWK stems from the time that my family and I spent at the Health Centre all those years ago. Over the course of an eleven-year period, my daughter, Jody, spent five years and three months as an inpatient.

Mary Theresa, Jody's mom

Cameron and Jody would not be here today without the doctors and nurses who fought valiantly to save both of their lives.

~Mary Theresa, Jody's mom

This is just one IWK story. And to me, the most rewarding part of my personal and professional journey with the IWK has been meeting other individuals and families who have shared their stories of hope and encouragement. Although often overwhelming, these stories have the power to move you in profound and unexpected ways, no matter what the outcome. Maritime families recognize the IWK as a centre of excellence and believe whole-heartedly that they have received the best possible care. This is why I am a donor. And this is why I have left a gift to the IWK Foundation in my estate plans.

In my current role as the Manager, Personal and Planned Gifts at the IWK Foundation, I have been fortunate to witness first-hand how our donors and families are giving back to the IWK and the impact that their generosity continues to have on patient care at the Health Centre. Estate gifts to the IWK help sustain excellence in specialized care including neonatal and pediatric intensive care, women’s health, and mental health services for children and youth. Funds also support world-renowned research studies, capital investments, and the purchase of world-class technology and state-of-the-art equipment. Gifts made through estate planning keep us strong, motivated and inspired – not only today, but well into the future.

This is why I need you to please consider joining me today. Your estate gift, no matter what the size, will help children like Jody and make a significant difference in the lives of thousands of families like mine. Help us ensure that the IWK’s tradition of excellence will live on by leaving a legacy for future generations. Excellence is in your hands.


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