When Frances Waterman-O’Connell was pregnant with her son, she and her husband David discovered after an ultrasound at eight weeks which showed a marker indicating something that was not presenting as normal development. As weeks went by, Frances had regular check-ups and
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

As the air ambulance approached the IWK, Lori had faith that her unborn baby daughter was going to be okay.
Pregnant with her first child, Lori went to her local hospital after experiencing abnormal bleeding. She was then sent to the IWK for emergency care.
Twin brothers Brennan and Liam were born prematurely at 28 weeks in 2017 and needed the highly specialized care of the IWK to have a fighting chance.

AJ was only hours old when his heart started to fail.
Born with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), AJ’s stomach and bowels were pushed up into his lungs and his heart was displaced.

Katherine was born at 32 and a half weeks gestation via C-section at the IWK. Immediately upon birth the care team recognized several abnormalities in her – Katherine had one ear different than the other, her chin was small and she had 12 toes.