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Nova Scotia

Carter, IWK Patient


Weighing only one pound 15 ounces at birth, baby Carter from Mineville, Nova Scotia made his debut into the world 14 weeks early, at just 26 weeks gestation.

HHRC, IWK Supporters

Hospitality Human Resources Committee (HHRC)

The IWK Foundation is extremely fortunate to have so many generous friends who care deeply about improving care at the IWK. Meet the Hospitality Human Resources Committee (HHRC) – an innovative group of human resource professionals who promote growth and awareness of the hospitality industry.

Emily, IWK Patient


In 2014, Emily was struggling with an eating disorder that affected everyday life.

Kendra and Kinsey, IWK Patients

Kendra & Kinsey

Nine-year old identical twin sisters Kendra and Kinsey had to overcome incredible odds to survive. Since their premature birth nine years ago, the IWK has been their home away from home.

Emma and Riley, IWK Patients

Emma & Riley

Like most siblings Riley and Emma share a special bond, but they also share a rare genetic kidney disorder. Throughout their journey the IWK has been their home away from home.