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Nova Scotia

Katie Hallett, IWK patient

Katie Hallett

It’s not uncommon to hear patients say that the IWK is like a home-away-from-home. For eight-year-old Katie Hallett from Shelburne, NS it was her very first home where she lived for the first 630 days of her life.

Zarkechavari Triplets, IWK patients

Zarkechvari Triplets

After a seven-year, heartbreaking journey of trying to expand their family, Shannon and her partner Kian learned they were pregnant – with triplets! “To say we were shocked would be an understatement,” said Kian.

Olivia Mason, IWK Patient

Tammy and Barry Mason

Life for Tammy and Barry Mason changed drastically when their daughter, Olivia, was diagnosed with cancer. Since that day they've developed a strong connection with the IWK Health Centre.

Andrew Leitch, IWK Patient

Andrew Leitch

Can you imagine being so fearful of unknown germs that you became confined to your bed? Sadly, that was the reality for 18-year-old Andrew Leitch.

Charlotte teBogt, IWK Patient

Charlotte teBogt

Shortly after her one-month birthday, Charlotte teBogt was sent to the IWK Health Centre where she was diagnosed with two heart conditions. She underwent urgent surgery to help repair her heart function.