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IWK Patients

Merrick, IWK Patient


“I had an amazing pregnancy and a great delivery,” recalls Stephanie, mom to two-and-a-half year old Merrick. After Merrick was born everything seemed to be going great but after Merrick turned seven months he experienced his first seizure, followed by others.

Katherine, IWK Patient


Katherine was born at 32 and a half weeks gestation via C-section at the IWK. Immediately upon birth the care team recognized several abnormalities in her – Katherine had one ear different than the other, her chin was small and she had 12 toes.

Jayda, IWK patient


In March 2017, Jayda—an athletic and active then eleven-year-old—became ill with a fever and started vomiting. The next day, when she began wheezing, Jayda’s parents, Lisa and Brent, rushed her to the IWK emergency department. 

Jeremy Ingham, IWK patient

Jeremy Ingham Cancer Research Trust

On November 29, 2017, Jeremy Ingham, a remarkable 22 year old who was passionate about scientific research and finding a cure for cancer, made a personal gift to the IWK Foundation to establish the Jeremy Ingham Cancer Research Trust.

Violet, IWK patient


In December 2016, then 10-month-old Violet was diagnosed with an extremely rare cancer—infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Instead of being at home with family, Violet spent her very first holiday season critically ill at the IWK Health Centre.