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IWK Patients

Zarkechavari Triplets, IWK patients

Zarkechvari Triplets

After a seven-year, heartbreaking journey of trying to expand their family, Shannon and her partner Kian learned they were pregnant – with triplets! “To say we were shocked would be an understatement,” said Kian.

Paizlee  Rose Adams, IWK patient

Paizlee Rose Adams

When an ultrasound revealed that Emily McCardle of Summerside, PEI was nine and a half weeks pregnant, she was shocked. Having been told by her doctor five years earlier that she likely couldn’t have children, this was news she never expected.

Ben & Jiesheng, IWK patients

Ben & Jiesheng

Eleven-year-old brothers Ben and Jiesheng first met in an orphanage in China where they formed an undeniable bond. When Jiesheng was adopted by Alicia and Joe Boutilier, it became clear to them that they needed to return to adopt Ben too.

Olivia Mason, IWK Patient

Tammy and Barry Mason

Life for Tammy and Barry Mason changed drastically when their daughter, Olivia, was diagnosed with cancer. Since that day they've developed a strong connection with the IWK Health Centre.

Andrew, IWK Patient


Can you imagine being so fearful of unknown germs that you became confined to your bed? Sadly, that was the reality for 18-year-old Andrew. Diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, Andrew’s trust in his mental health care team at the IWK have helped him enjoy his life again.