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IWK Patients

Ethan, IWK patient


In January 2020, when Ethan’s mom, Allison, noticed he was tired most of the time and falling asleep on the car ride home after school every day, she didn’t think much of it. The holiday season—a busy time for many—had just wrapped up, and everyone was feeling exhausted.

Mia, IWK patient


Mia was very particular with food and dirt when she was young. She didn’t want them on her hands or face, and she didn’t like things at the beach touching her skin.

Kyle, IWK patient


When Tami from Woodstock, New Brunswick, shared with her doctor during a routine ultrasound that her baby brother died at just 11 days old due to a heart defect, she didn’t realize that information would make a life-changing difference for her unborn son, Kyle.

Amelia, IWK patient


When Jody and Tim welcomed their sweet baby girl, Amelia, in 2016, they never dreamed she would be clinging to life just two short weeks later.

Grace, IWK patient


When Grace developed bruises on her legs that wouldn’t fade for weeks and began to get sick frequently, her parents, Nicola and Bruce, became concerned and took her to their family doctor, who immediately ordered blood tests.